Got A Stain On Your Carpet? 3 Things To Know

It is easy to drop something on your carpets; if you end up with a stain really depends on how you react when it happens. Here are three things you need to know when treating a potential stain on your carpet. #1 Always Blot The Stain The first thing that you need to know is that you should always blot at the stain. To blot at the stain, you use a cloth or paper towel to put as little pressure as possible on the stain. Read More 

Baseboard Cleaning 101 ~ Keep Yours Looking Great With These Tips

Baseboards are areas of homes that often get overlooked when it comes to cleaning. Some people may mop their floors every day and still neglect their baseboards. Neglected baseboards get covered with grime that is the result of dust, dirt, foods, and other substances. These substances bind together and ultimately get stuck on baseboards, making them very unsightly. Perhaps your baseboards have not been cleaned in awhile, and that might be due to you having physical limitations such as knee problems that make it difficult for you to clean them. Read More 

Carpet Cleaning And Care Tips To Keep Your Carpet Looking Like New

Carpeting doesn't last forever and begins to look worn from foot traffic, pets and from everyday use. Taking out the old carpet and buying new isn't a difficult process and it can be done in just one day, but it's the cost of the new carpet that is the problem. Who can afford new carpeting every few years? Taking care of your existing carpeting is key to lengthening the life of your carpet and to help keep it looking like new. Read More 

3 Things That Could Be Lurking In Your Office’s Carpeting

From hiring and managing employees to developing a strategic plan for success, it is easy to see the challenges of owning and operating a business. While these tasks are priorities, ensuring your building is clean, organized, healthy, and productive is also essential. Your offices most likely have a good amount of carpet, which creates comfort and appeal in your building. If your carpet is dirty and stained, you are not only decreasing the quality of your indoor air, but you are also creating an environment that is not appealing or professional to potential customers and clients, especially if you don't rely on facility carpet cleaning. Read More 

Have A Vacation Rental? Protect It From Water Damage With These Easy Steps

If you have a vacation rental, you are going to want to ensure that it does not end up with issues that will require water damage restoration. Here are a few easy things that you can do to your vacation rental to ensure that it never endures water damage for any reason. #1 Fix Damaged Roof Shingles The first thing you need to do is have your roof inspected at least once a year. Read More