Baseboard Cleaning 101 ~ Keep Yours Looking Great With These Tips
Baseboards are areas of homes that often get overlooked when it comes to cleaning. Some people may mop their floors every day and still neglect their baseboards. Neglected baseboards get covered with grime that is the result of dust, dirt, foods, and other substances. These substances bind together and ultimately get stuck on baseboards, making them very unsightly. Perhaps your baseboards have not been cleaned in awhile, and that might be due to you having physical limitations such as knee problems that make it difficult for you to clean them. However, many people just do not realize how dirty their baseboards are. The following points will help you to understand your options for getting your baseboards clean and keeping them that way.
Initial Cleaning
If it has been awhile since you cleaned your baseboards or if they are heavily soiled, you will need to clean them thoroughly. Then you will likely be able to do maintenance cleanings based on their appearance. You can use everyday products to clean your baseboards. Dish detergent, a microfiber cloth, old toothbrush, cotton swabs, and water are all materials that can be used to make your baseboards look amazing. However, if they are grimy, they will take awhile to clean. Physical exertion will also be needed. If you are cleaning baseboards that are near furniture, the furniture will need to be moved. You may also opt to hire a cleaning business to get them cleaned initially.
After the initial cleaning of your baseboards, it will be important to keep them maintained. This means routine cleaning, which should be planned on a schedule to prevent future grime accumulation. The following are three excellent ways to accomplish this.
Vacuum Attachments - Your vacuum and its attachments can be used to remove loose dust from baseboards. If you allow dust to settle on baseboards too long, you may have to use soap and water to remove it because it will likely harden on your baseboards.
Microfiber Cloths - These cloths make cleaning baseboards easy. Your routine cleaning will likely only require you to wipe your baseboards with these cloths.
Yardstick and Sock - If you are a person who finds cleaning your baseboards on your hands and knees difficult, you could consider using an old sock and a yardstick to clean your baseboards. This will aid in keeping you from needing to bend down to clean them. Simply insert a fitted sock on an end of the yardstick. Ensure you put the sock in your cleaning solution first.
Cleaning Service - For some people, keeping their baseboards clean is too much of a chore. A cleaning service can be used as a resource if this applies to you.