Have A Vacation Rental? Protect It From Water Damage With These Easy Steps

If you have a vacation rental, you are going to want to ensure that it does not end up with issues that will require water damage restoration. Here are a few easy things that you can do to your vacation rental to ensure that it never endures water damage for any reason.

#1 Fix Damaged Roof Shingles

The first thing you need to do is have your roof inspected at least once a year. During this inspection, as the inspector to keep an eye out for damaged shingles, flashing and sealant. If any shingles or flashing is damaged, you need to have a roofing contractor replace and repair that damaged shingles and flashing. If any of the vents on your roof are not properly sealed, you need to have a roofing contractor apply additional roofing tar around the vents to ensure that water can't get into your roof around the vents.

Also, make sure that the inspector looks at the gutters as well; they should be securely attached to your roof.

One of the easiest ways for water damage to occur in your vacation rental is through a leak in your roof. A roof inspection is a great way to ensure that your roof is in good shape and all issues are addressed.

#2 Clean Your Roof & Gutters

In addition to inspecting and fixing damage on your roof, you also need to make sure that you contract a roofing company to clean your roof and gutters at least twice a year. When debris accumulates on your roof and in your gutters, the chance for roof and thus water damage increases. You can cut down on this chance by having a roofing contractor clean both your roof and gutters at least twice a year.

#3 Yearly Plumbing Inspection

Third, you should get all of your plumbing inspected on a yearly basis to ensure that water is not leaking out anywhere within your system. During your yearly plumbing inspection, you can also pay the plumber to clean out all of your pipes and drains, to ensure that water is able to easily flow out of your drains. Additionally, see if the plumber can insulate all of your pipes if you have not already done so. Well insulated pipes are less likely to burst and freeze during the winter time.

When you have a vacation home, you need to take extra care to make sure that your roof and plumbing system are in great working order and well taken care of.  Your roof and plumbing are often the two main sources of water damage, and if you take care of these areas, you should be able to decrease the chance that your vacation home will suffer costly water damage while you are away. 
